================================== QSCAT 0.2.0 Changelog - 2024-04-14 ================================== Added ===== - Add `Summary Reports Tab` and enabling of individual reports for a dedicated summary reports setting. Changed ======= - Modify `Area Change Tab` to read newest and oldest date without requiring to `Update` from `Shoreline Change Tab`. - Modify `Forecasting Tab` to input a transect layer. - Move default summary reports location to user's home directory to prevent summary reports from getting deleted when the plugin is updated. - Change file naming and foldering of summary reports to ``/qscat___.txt`` - Refactor and improve the majority of the codes. - Improve some parts of user manual (discussions and figures). Removed ======= - Remove version number in dock widget title for cleaner screenshots. Fixed ===== - Fix and refactor `update_newest_oldest_date()` function in `Shoreline Change Tab` > `Pairwise Comparison of Shorelines` now properly showing what is `newest` and `oldest` date. - Fix `Transect Count` group box in `Transect Tab` not being enabled and disabled. - Fix summary reports for `Shoreline Change Tab` not being generated.