.. index:: Warning and Errors .. _appendices_warnings_errors: Appendix 1: Warning and Errors ============================== Shorelines ---------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 50 50 * - Message - Description * - :bdg-warning:`Warning` The selected shorelines layer (````) has less than 2 features. - QSCAT requires the selected shorelines layer to have at least two shoreline features which equals to two shorelines. Minimum of two shorelines can run the NSM and EPR statistics. * - :bdg-warning:`Warning` The selected shorelines layer (````) has less than 2 fields. - QSCAT requires the selected shorelines layer to have the two fields for ``date`` and ``uncertainty`` field. * - :bdg-warning:`Warning` The selected shorelines layer (````) has invalid date inputs: ``<10 or less invalid dates shown>``. - QSCAT requires the selected shorelines layer to have valid date inputs in the ``date`` field. The date should be in the format of ``MM/YYYY``, and values of 1-12 for month and 1900-2100 for year. Transects --------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 50 50 * - Message - Description * - :bdg-danger:`Error` The selected shorelines layer ``()`` CRS ``()`` doesn't match the project CRS ``()``. - QSCAT requires the selected shoreline layer to have the same CRS as the project CRS. * - :bdg-danger:`Error` The selected baseline layer ``()`` CRS ``()`` doesn't match the project CRS ``()``. - QSCAT requires the selected baseline layer to have the same CRS as the project CRS. Shoreline Change ---------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 50 50 * - Message - Description * - :bdg-danger:`Error` LRR and WLR requires atleast 3 shorelines. - QSCAT requires at least three shorelines to run the LRR and WLR statistics.