QSCAT 0.4.1 Changelog - 2024-07-18#
Forecasting Tab: Fix issue on forecasting generating weird uncertainty points when date value of month is not 01.
Fix proper end time logging of shoreline change and forecasting.
Minor bug fixes.
Visualization Tab: Add option to select column, and input uncertainty value to support layers generated outside QSCAT.
Baseline Tab, Automator Tab: Add smoothing distance field.
Shoreline Change Tab, Area Change Tab, Forecasting Tab, Visualization Tab, Summary Reports Tab: Add input saving.
Help Tab: Add useful links.
Shorelines Tab: Add selected shorelines layer validation when changing layer selections.
Shoreline Change Tab: Make newest and oldest date selection automatic; no need to button to update.
Major code reformatting and refactor.
User Manual: Update figures and texts.