QSCAT 0.2.0 Changelog - 2024-04-14#
Add Summary Reports Tab and enabling of individual reports for a dedicated summary reports setting.
Modify Area Change Tab to read newest and oldest date without requiring to Update from Shoreline Change Tab.
Modify Forecasting Tab to input a transect layer.
Move default summary reports location to user’s home directory to prevent summary reports from getting deleted when the plugin is updated.
Change file naming and foldering of summary reports to
Refactor and improve the majority of the codes.
Improve some parts of user manual (discussions and figures).
Remove version number in dock widget title for cleaner screenshots.
Fix and refactor update_newest_oldest_date() function in Shoreline Change Tab > Pairwise Comparison of Shorelines now properly showing what is newest and oldest date.
Fix Transect Count group box in Transect Tab not being enabled and disabled.
Fix summary reports for Shoreline Change Tab not being generated.