Tab: Visualization#
The Visualization Tab allows you to generate a custom graduated symbology of a selected shoreline change statistic layer. It dynamically generates symbology class colors, values, and legend based on the selected mode of classification, and number of negative and positive classes.

Fig. 40 User interface of Visualization Tab#

Fig. 41 Layer section in Visualization Tab#
Shoreline change statistic layer#
Allows you to select a statistic layer generated by QSCAT. It accepts layers: SCE, NSM, EPR, LRR, and WLR.
Statistic value field#
Allows you to manually select which field to use as the statistic value.
Uncertainty value (SCE, NSM, EPR)#
Allows you to manually input the uncertainty value for the selected statistic layer. This is used to determine the stable class of the visualization. This is added to support the visualization of a layer that is not created in QSCAT.
Color ramp#

Fig. 42 Color ramp section in Visualization Tab#
Classification mode#
The classification mode determines how the values of the statistics will be grouped into classes (or ranges). The available classification modes are: Quantile, Equal Interval, Natural Breaks (Jenks), and Pretty Breaks.
Number of negative and positive class#
The number of negative and positive class determines how many classes (or ranges) will be generated for negative values (eroding) and positive values (accreting).
Graduated symbology output#
Not all shoreline change statistics have the same types of classes. We have defined the generated classes as follows:
Statistic |
Negative |
Stable |
Positive |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
In the table above, SCE has only stable and positive classes. The positive class refers to SCE having only positive values, while stable class represents the negative and positve maximum value of uncertainty.
For NSM and EPR, there are negative, stable, and positive classes. The negative and positive class refers to NSM and EPR having negative and positive values. For NSM, the stable class also uses the negative and positve maximum value of uncertainty. However, for EPR, the negative and positive value of EPR uncertainty (EPR_unc
) is used for the stable class.
Lastly, as of now, LRR and WLR have only negative and positive classes.
Color ramp color stops#
Color stops for the negative, positive, and stable classes have been pre-defined. This color ramp is continuous, which means that the colors generated are automatically determined based on these pre-defined colors, creating a gradient effect. The specific colors for each class are as follows:
Class |
Color |
Stops |
Negative |
Color 1 stop |
Stable |
Middle stop |
Positive |
Color 2 stop |